Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bachmann isn't an option for freedom-lovers

Bachmann doesn’t love economic freedom.

She voted for the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. While this isn’t TARP or Obama’s stimulus, it also subsidises housing without cutting spending. The Sponsor of this bill: Nancy Pelosi. Some of the co-sponsers of that bill include Rahm Emmanual, Charles Rangel, Barney Frank…and John Boehner. Sometimes guys like Barney Frank or John Boehner stumble onto being on the side of liberty, but this wasn’t one of those times. And who is there to back them up? “Tea-partier” Michele Bachmann.

You can verify my findings here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/vote.xpd?vote=h2008-25

Ron Paul voted against the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008.

Bachmann received between $5,000 and $15,000 in income last year from a family farm that received $250,000 in federal subsidies. Her husbands psychotherapy business received $30,000 from the government as well. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-08-16/bachmann-has-income-from-subsidized-farm.html

She has also asked for help from the federal government 16 times-using stimulus money. Now, I’ve come to realize that oftentimes pork is vilified and allocating funds is one of the responsibilities of Congress. However, don’t you find this quote from Bachmann disturbing?(in reference to the pork industry in 2009), She wants to “stabilize prices through direct government purchasing” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/10/michele-bachmann-stimulus_n_922851.html

Sounds like she’s working on her tan more than doing any actual reading of Ludwig von Misses. It seems to me she isn’t so concerned about properly allocating her funds as she is about seeing how big a slice of the pie she can get. Rarely do politicians hate “big government” when big government wants to cut them a check.

Ron Paul doesn’t take his congressional pension he is entitled to because he believes it is immoral. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12224561

He returned $100,000 back to the treasury because he didn’t use all of the money budgeted to him! http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/tx14_paul/MRESurplus.shtml

What about the Gold Standard? Bachmann is “thinking” about it. http://www.minnpost.com/minnpotus/2011/06/10/29039/a_return_to_the_gold_standard_bachmann_says_shell_think_about_it

Well isn’t that cute. Now that Ron Paul has completely shaped the debate, she’s open minded enough to “consider” it. We know what happens to these kind of “radical” ideas once people like Bachmann get elected. They never get put into place because Michele doesn’t have any conviction about the gold standard issue. It is politically convenient to talk about, but she doesn’t believe that.

Ron Paul has supported the gold standard for about…his entire political career!

I really think I’ve made my case. From an economic perspective alone, one cannot take Michele Bachmann seriously as a constitutionalist. She is a mainstream establishment Republican. That does not get me excited. We need people with principles. Anyone who is paying attention knows that America is going down fast. And it’s not just Obama’s fault. It’s George W’s fault. It’s Bill Clinton’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It Reagan’s fault for compromising on things like the gold standard when the party establishment put pressure on him. And on and on it goes. The people who have gotten in power don’t have principles. They are willing to compromise. Michele has already shown that is who she is too.

I haven’t addressed her disgusting support of roving wiretaps on the American people or her support of unconstitutional wars. I haven’t mentioned that she’s for war-mongering with Iran. But, I’ll leave those issues to another post. Her economic track record doesn’t inspire confidence and it shows that she is doing what is politically expedient.

I don’t care about getting the most conservative candidate possible elected. People called George W. a conservative. Does that make it true? No! Bachmann’s lack of principles will take us down the same path we’ve seen before. It won’t make me feel better that there’s an “R” by her name. In fact, it makes me feel worse.

Because Obama is in office some people are outraged. Some people are waking up. They realize the socialistic (dare I say communistic?) road the country is going down. However, when Bush is in office the outrage for the same policies is strangely gone. There’s no outrage. Headed for the same cliff and everyone is happy as the “R” keeps the pressure on the socialism accelerator. And all of the “conservatives” line up for things like the Iraq war…Did you remember George W. Bush when campaigning for the 2000 election was maintaining we should be more non-interventionist? He obviously believed that one…

So promises by neo-cons like Bush and Bachmann do nothing for me. I want people to wake up and re-embrace the Constitution. I want them to do that in 2012 by voting for Ron Paul! But if the American people refuse to embrace liberty- I’m fine with 4 more years of Obama. Hopefully then, the damage will be so great that people will demand a revolution and return to leaders with conviction and to the Constitution. Whatever keeps the freedom fires burning.

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